Project time management in design and documentation

Read time: 6 minutes

(This note replaces Time allowances - delays in design and documentation)

Project time management is a core aspect of an architectural service. However formal time commitments for the design and documentation stages should be approached cautiously. Time taken in the preparation of design and/or documentation, beyond that initially indicated by the architect, can be a source of dispute between the client and architect or a cause of client dissatisfaction. Good client communications and relationship management throughout the course of the project are essential (See also Acumen note Client and architect relationship). This note outlines issues for consideration to manage this process including risk factors and how these can be minimised.

Standard Institute Client and Architect Agreements do not provide for the architect's pre-contract administration services to be performed to a set or stated program, but the client usually wants these services to be performed within a known time frame as their own program for the project is dependent to a large extent on the duration of the architect's work, particularly with regard to establishing a tendering date.

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