ABIC contracts – Tasmania

August 2020 update alert: The ABIC authors have issued a minor update to the ABIC SW 2018 H Tasmanian contract, available in August 2020. This minor update only fixes cross-references in the schedules and conditions of the contract, but does not change the substance or effect of the contract itself. The only other change made is to the ways in which the owner can send to the contractor the Withdrawal Notice during the cooling-off period, under the Tasmanian residential building legislation. This change also applies to the MW H Tasmania contract. The wording clarifies that the owner can send the Withdrawal Notice by email to the contractor's email address nominated in item 1 of the schedule 1. This is also consistent with clause R1 which deals with the methods that the parties can send notices under the contract to each other.

This minor update otherwise remains the ABIC 2018 version of this contract that you are familiar with administering. To check if your contract is the minor update, the footer of the update will show the copyright assertion as 2020.

This update does not directly affect or withdraw the 2018 issues of the ABIC SW 2018 H Tasmanian contract. You can continue to administer your projects that commenced under that issue of the contract, and you could use the available Reference Copy of this 2020 update to confirm the correct cross-references.

The 2018 revised editions of the Australian Building Industry Contracts (ABIC) Major Works (MW), Simple Works (SW) commercial and domestic are provided below. Information about the ABIC contracts including which contract to use, FAQs and differences between the SW and MW contract, are available on the ABIC contracts  page. For a revised edition of the ABIC Basic Works (commercial) contract refer to ABIC Basic Works BW 2018.

Note: The ABIC MW and SW user guides have been updated for the new Corporations Act / insolvency laws that will affect all contracts and in particular Section Q of the ABIC contracts. For an explanation of the changes refer to Termination rights and insolvency events.

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