161-170 of 291 results for 'private job liability'


Specialist consultants - payment

Published: 28 July 2016 | Edited: 13 June 2023

Read time: 3 minutes Payment ofspecialist consultantswill depend on the form and mechanism of engagement between the client, consultants and ...


Projects in bushfire-prone areas

Published: 15 October 2018

When asked to design a 'fire bunker', ‘fire-shelter’, ‘fire refuge’, or the like, it is wise to be extremely careful and risk adverse about what you ...


Guide letter 7: Confirmation - appointment of specialist consultant

Published: 20 December 2011 | Edited: 1 December 2021

Read time: 2 minutes Guide letters provide advice about matters architects should consider when composing letters to the parties involved in ...


Avoiding personal contracts

Published: 23 November 2023

Read time: 2 minutes Architectural practice invariably involves contractual relationships with clients. An architectural firm should ensure that ...


Project budget management

Published: 23 November 2011 | Edited: 26 April 2021

Project budget management is the process of managing the developing design against the project budget. It is part of the architect’s service to ...

Read time: 4 minutes While there are a number of potential benefits of issuing digital files to consultants, contractors and subcontractors ( ...


Office administration and manual structure

Published: 5 February 2020 | Edited: 27 September 2023

Read time: 5 minutes Implementing appropriate administration systems in an architectural practice provides the basis for an efficient and profitable ...


Email disclaimers

Published: 9 October 2017 | Edited: 6 October 2022

Read time: 3 minutes The rapid expansion of the use of email as a tool for communication and its accessability require some caution to accompany its ...


Administering security of payment claims

Published: 25 January 2023

Read time: 15 minutes Claims by contractors made under Security of Payment (SOP) legislation can have various implications for architects ...



Published: 5 November 2015 | Edited: 21 October 2021

Read time: 3 minutes A partnership is formed when two or more people go into business together with a view to making profit. A partnership is limited ...


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