
Where possible local, regional and Australian products and materials were specified in the Nightingale 2.0 (Fairfield) project by Six Degrees Architects. Traditional land owners: The Wurundjeri people. Image: Tess Kelly.Read time: 4 minutes

The careful selection of building materials and products and their use in design has the potential to reduce life-cycle environmental impacts — including resource depletion and consumption, habitat and biodiversity loss, environmental pollution and toxicity — and contribute to the environmental performance of a building. Materials should be selected to minimise construction waste and maximise reuse and recycling. Materials should also be selected to avoid chemical risks to human health and the environment.

For guidance on the selection and specification of a given material or product, and demonstration that a product conforms to appropriate Australian Standards and complies with the requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC) for the envisaged use, refer to Acumen note Non-complying building products.

Material and product chemical risks in the built environment

Many building materials and products can pose chemical risks to both human and environmental health at some stage in the product life cycle (from extraction to disposal), often through toxicity. For some products, several stages in the product life cycle have risks associated with them. Examples of impacts at different life cycle stages are outlined below:

  • Materials extraction and processing: Historically, asbestos has posed the biggest risk to humans. Metals mining (particularly copper) and metal smelting pose some of the most significant risks to the environment. Both are hazardous to humans as well.
  • Manufacture: The manufacture of many products involves some chemical threat to humans and the environment. Vinyl chloride monomer (used in the manufacture of PVC) poses toxic risks to both humans and the environment. Electroplating is likewise hazardous on both fronts. Some timber preservatives are toxic and the silica dust from cutting and polishing engineered stone benchtops presents a significant health hazard. 
  • Construction: Termiticides, formaldehyde, solvents and metals in paints, and synthetic mineral fibres are among the many hazardous products construction workers may be exposed to. The silica dust from cutting and polishing engineered stone benchtops is toxic. Waste disposal for many of these products may also adversely impact the environment.
  • Occupation: Products or systems can contribute pollutants that pose a chemical risk to humans both within a building or outside. Indoor pollutants may include legionella bacteria, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone and nitrogen dioxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mercury, lead, stored chemicals and chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) substitutes. Outdoor pollutants may include pollens and particulates, toxins in contaminated land, radon and air pollution. Cumulative chronic effects of exposure to these types of products include sick building syndrome, allergies and intolerances. Occasional acute poisonings also occur. Refer Acumen note Indoor air quality (IAQ).
  • Alteration, maintenance, demolition: Asbestos and lead paint removal, chemical cleaning of masonry and sandblasting are examples of activities in which both people and the environment can be exposed to chemical risk. Refer to Acumen note Asbestos.
  • Fire: All fires produce carbon monoxide. Some products pose particular risks in fire, including certain polymerics, PVC, stored chemicals, and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Most halon substitutes pose a chemical risk to humans. Fires also impact the environment in various ways.

Consider the following strategies to avoid or minimise chemical risks to human health and the environment as they arise at different stages in the life cycle of building products:

  • Avoid products that pose a risk to humans and/or the environment. Eliminate the need for the product or, where the need cannot be eliminated, substitute with a product or process with less chemical risk. Substitute and ultimately eliminate the use of toxic, persistent and bioaccumulative inputs and materials (eg mutagens, teratogens, carcinogens, endorphins and endocrine disrupters).
  • Where avoidance is not possible or practicable, consider other control options. These include, in descending order of preference, isolation of the product or process, engineering controls, safe working procedures and finally, provision and use of personal protective equipment. A combination of these controls may be appropriate.
  • Consider all stages of the product life cycle, from materials extraction onwards.
  • Adhere to or exceed statutory requirements. Design professionals acting in advance of government intervention, can, individually and collectively, save lives, suffering and damage to the environment.
  • If the material is a new product or has no recognised certification, consider engaging an industrial toxicologist.

Ethical sourcing and labour practices

Architects play a pivotal role in shaping sustainable and ethical building practices. Consider the following points to integrate workplace health and safety (WHS), supply chain considerations and modern slavery considerations into your material selection:

  • Supply chain transparency
    • Specify the importance of transparency in the supply chain to identify and avoid materials associated with modern slavery.
    • Encourage stakeholders to collaborate with suppliers committed to ethical labour practices. Refer to Acumen note Modern slavery.
  • Certification and compliance
    • Advocate for the use of certified materials that adhere to ethical labour standards.
    • Emphasise the significance of suppliers demonstrating compliance with international labour regulations. Refer to Acumen note Sustainability framework for practice.
  • WHS standards
    • Highlight the necessity of selecting materials produced under workplace health and safety standards.
    • Encourage stakeholders to consider the safety and well-being of workers throughout the supply chain. Refer to Acumen note Work health and safety legislation (WHS).
  • Material resilience
    • Emphasise diversifying material sources and circularity to enhance resilience against supply chain disruptions.
    • Choose materials that stand for the test of time through extreme climate scenarios.
    • Consider a material throughout its life cycle and end of life options.


  • (AACA) Australian Accreditation Council of Australia (2021) NSCA Explanatory Notes and Definitions [PDF], November 2021, Version 1.
  • Gelder J and Onyon L (2001) ‘An introduction to chemical risks in the built environment’ Environment Design Guide, February, PRO 4.
  • Gelder J (2001) ‘A survey of chemical risks in the built environment’ Environment Design Guide, February, PRO 5.
  • Gelder J (2001) ‘Reducing chemical risks in the built environment’ Environment Design Guide, February, PRO 6.
  • Walker-Morison A,Grant T, McAlister S (2007) ‘Strategies and resources for material selection’ Environment Design Guide, May, PRO 8.

Further resources


This content is provided by the Australian Institute of Architects for reference purposes and as general guidance. It does not take into account specific circumstances and should not be relied on in that way. It is not legal, financial, insurance, or other advice and you should seek independent verification or advice before relying on this content in circumstances where loss or damage may result. The Institute endeavours to publish content that is accurate at the time it is published, but does not accept responsibility for content that may or has become inaccurate over time. Using this website and content is subject to the Acumen User Licence.

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