Room data sheet

Sometimes referred to as the schedule of accommodation, the room data set will list all the rooms and/or other spaces to be provided, their intended area, their specific requirements and other relevant information, relative to other spaces. It forms part of the design and documentation set provided to the builder, ie it is no longer only part of the brief.

It is often not possible to include a definitive room data sheet in the first version of the design brief, or until after a detailed analysis of functional requirements is completed.

Accommodation requirements are commonly provided in the form of room data sheets that list:

  • room name, use and relationships to other rooms
  • area to be provided
  • number of occupants
  • schedule of equipment, separating client-purchased items from project-supplied items.

As well as the internal environmental requirements in respect of:

  • air (conditioned and/or ventilated)
  • lighting (natural or artificial)
  • electrical, fire, security, data, and communications needs
  • finishes and materials
  • other services (water, gas etc)
  • acoustic performance
  • any other detailed requirements.

Room data sheets may also be referred to as activity space data sheets. 

Figure 1. Typical room data sheet

Figure 2. Sample schematic drawing of functional relationships


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