Kelvin Grove Urban Village

Kelvin Grove Urban Village is the first inner-city development of its kind in Australia. It is a master-planned community that demonstrates best practice in sustainable, mixed-use urban development, and brings together educational, residential, health, retail, recreational and business opportunities. From the outset, the Queensland Department of Housing and Queensland University of Technology saw this project as an opportunity to demonstrate the three dimensions of sustainability - environmental, economic and social, all within the constraints of an inner city context. The delivery of sustainability has been the focus through site acquisition (1999), master planning (2000), infrastructure design and construction (2001 to 2003), building design and construction (2002 to present), and management (2003 to present). In 2004 a review of the project was undertaken. The Integrated Master Plan refined the vision and focused on ongoing management and implementation. It will deliver the fourth dimension of sustainable development – the creation of a successful place and vibrant community at Kelvin Grove Urban Village.

note summary
  1. Background to the project
  2. Project outline
  3. Design philosophy
  4. Sustainability objectives and achievements
  5. Environmental control methods
  6. Management of project in use
  7. Successful places
  8. Post occupancy evaluation
  9. Lessons learnt
  10. Conclusion

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Preparation of contract documents - contaminated land
25 November 2011
Managing people
10 May 2017
Design and construct
7 December 2011
Designing to heal – part A
31 October 2013
Implementing energy efficiency
30 November 2004