11-20 of 200 results
Adapting building designs for climate change is about managing the unavoidable. While there is debate around what level of adaptation is needed, ...
During the twentieth century the earth warmed by about 0.6°C, primarily due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Consequent to ...
In Australia, heatwaves are the deadliest natural hazard and a major driver of peak electricity demand and blackouts. Heatwaves are exacerbated by ...
Bushfire has long been a part of Australian landscape ecology and mythology, but climate change is now driving an increase in fire emergencies and a ...
The note describes a new procedure for Land Resource Assessment (LRA). It uses Multi-Criteria Evaluation methods (MCE) in a Geographic Systems (GIS) ...
Lend Lease's approach to addressing sustainability in new Greenfields urban communities
Published: 30 November 2005Lend Lease is the largest developer of urban communities in Australia, operating in nine major population centres, with over twenty projects ranging ...
While continual change and evolution has been an enduring characteristic of the Australian city, the magnitude, speed and complexity of the emerging ...
This note was reviewed and approved for currency in November 2018. While architects and planners don’t seek to disadvantage communities, the ...
'Sustainable Urbanism' encompasses Australian urban design and transportation practices that seek to create vibrant, liveable communities. This ...
As Australia faces a number of challenges, including water shortages, rising fuel costs, expanding population and insufficient land, resources and ...