21-30 of 292 results for 'private job liability'



Published: 21 December 2017

There are many reasons why architects might wish to retain office and job records. It is a legal requirement for companies, as per the Corporations ...


Proprietary companies

Published: 24 August 2023

Read time: 5 minutes This note aims to assist you in selecting the appropriate structure for your architectural practice by providing an overview of ...


Payment of architect fees

Published: 28 October 2015 | Edited: 13 February 2020

(Previously known as Security for payment of fees) Sometimes it can be difficult to get your fees and accounts paid. Even if you have taken measures ...


General practice insurance

Published: 21 July 2020 | Edited: 15 February 2023

Read time: 6 minutes Architectural practices, like any business, are vulnerable to risks associated with being in business and should consider taking ...


Cloud computing

Published: 7 May 2018 | Edited: 24 August 2023

Read time: 6 minutes Cloud computing is a generic term describing the use of remote servers, accessible over the internet, to store and manage data, ...


Office fit-out projects

Published: 29 November 2011 | Edited: 26 May 2022

Read time: 8 minutes The fitting out of a tenancy within a commercial building occupied by a number of different tenants has the potential for ...


Client note: Practical completion and the final certificate

Published: 22 November 2017

Practical completion is the date nominated in the contract for the works to be substantially completed and available for use. This may be subject to ...


Planning for transit oriented development in Australian cities

Published: 30 November 2007

Transit oriented development is a way of redeveloping a city to reduce car dependence.  This paper outlines its basic tenets by examining four ...

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Pay increases for employees

Published: 25 June 2012 | Edited: 9 February 2021

There are several elements which may combine to provide an increase to an employee's remuneration. Each year, Fair Work Australia's Annual Wage ...


Work experience and internships

Published: 7 May 2018 | Edited: 12 October 2022

Read time: 5 minutes It is common for students and graduates to engage in work experience, internships or trial work. Such opportunities are a direct ...


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