41-50 of 292 results for 'private job liability'


Common risks for architects

Published: 28 February 2017

Common risk areas for architects include liability for free advice, partial services, design and documentation without contract administration, ...


Evidence and court procedure

Published: 8 January 2013 | Edited: 24 June 2021

The rules applicable to the law of evidence apply equally to the expert witness as well as to the ordinary witness. It has often been said that the ...


Guide letter 36: Advice to contractor - defects and incomplete work

Published: 21 December 2011 | Edited: 11 August 2022

Read time: 1 minute Guide letters provide advice about matters architects should consider when composing letters to the parties involved in ...

Lend Lease is the largest developer of urban communities in Australia, operating in nine major population centres, with over twenty projects ranging ...

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Determining fees for small projects

Published: 27 January 2012 | Edited: 23 February 2021

The client/owner's perception and expectations of a 'small fee for a small job', is not necessarily accurate, as small jobs often involve a multitude ...


Specialist consultant scope and responsibility

Published: 14 June 2023

Read time: 1 minute It is essential to clearly identify the scope and responsibility of the specialist consultant/s for the lifecycle of the project, ...


Leave entitlements and obligations

Published: 27 February 2020 | Edited: 20 October 2022

Read time: 1 minute In Australia, there are two industrial relations systems – the National System and the State System. It is important to know ...


Security of payment – Qld

Published: 3 September 2020 | Edited: 24 May 2023

Read time: 15 minutes The Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (QLD) came into operation on 10 November 2017. It applies to ...


Consult Australia Consultant Contract

Published: 10 December 2019 | Edited: 13 June 2023

Read time: 2 minutes The pre-existing Consult Australia Short Form and Long Form Contracts were replaced with a more ‘consultant friendly’ new ...


Unconditional guarantees and cash retention

Published: 10 January 2013 | Edited: 20 May 2020

Most standard-form building contracts allow the security to be in the form of cash retention or a bank guarantee. Under ABIC contracts, there is a ...


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