31-40 of 157 results for 'Construction contract'
Also known as life cycle analysis; LCA is an objective technique for assessing the potential impacts associated with a product or process by compiling an inventory of relevant inputs and outputs, evaluating their potential environmental impacts, and ...
Solutions and approaches for climate responsive design, consideration of microclimate and place-specific responses, and strategies for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Further resources: ABCB 2019 Construction of buildings in flood hazard ...
Bushfire has long been a part of Australian landscape ecology and mythology, but climate change is now driving an increase in fire emergencies and a greater regulatory response. There are new levels of bushfire frequency, severity and ...
Read time: 11 minutes Welcome to the Jungle House (WTTJH) is a home designed to fit within the existing building’s reconstructed masonry fabric and is an archetypal model of future sustainable carbon neutral living. It is located on a 98sqm ...
Site planning and design for bushfire
Published: 25 February 2021 | Edited: 19 June 2023A summary update has been provided for this note in June 2023. This summary reflects updates to this topic on the National Construction Code 2022 bushfire protection provisions. The climate is changing. In the past decade Australia has experienced ...
The principles of erosion and sediment control are said to be at the cutting edge of common sense. These principles have been around for decades, but in many areas current practices fall well short of the proper application of these common sense ...
This note outlines a framework to appraise the extent and quality of native vegetation, and identify significant habitats at strategic regional and local levels, namely a Vegetation and Habitat Strategic Framework. The cornerstone of the framework ...
Cutting lifetime residential greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Published: 17 November 2020 | Edited: 27 June 2023Read time: 25 minutes A summary update has been provided for this note in June 2023. This summary reflects updates to this topic on the National Construction Code 2022 and BASIX. There is an urgent need to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net ...
Office building retrofit at 55 St Andrews Place, Melbourne – Turning a Sparrow into a Peacock
Published: 31 August 2008This note was reviewed in September 2018 and has been retained for legacy. This article describes the upgrade of an existing government building, 55 St Andrews Place in Melbourne’s Treasury Reserve, utilising an unconventional design process and ...
Persuasive design and building user engagement
Published: 28 February 2011 | Edited: 16 November 2018This note was reviewed and approved for currency in November 2018. To perform well, buildings require not only good design and construction but also good operation – and designers cannot dismiss operation as solely the responsibility of occupants.