41-50 of 193 results for 'form of insurance'
Post occupancy evaluation of passive downdraft evaporative cooling and air conditioned buildings at the Torrent Research Centre, Ahmedabad, India
Published: 30 November 2006Post occupancy evaluations of buildings are noted for their ability to provide vital feedback regarding a building's performance in use. In addition to obtaining physical measurements of thermal performance and energy consumption, it is crucial to ...
This note outlines how architects can use the design of buildings to help create sustainable transport systems and a more vibrant public domain. Traditionally, architecture has been mainly concerned with the internal efficiency of buildings. However ...
This is one of three companion papers taken from a study that assesses the comparative costs of urban redevelopment with the costs of greenfield development. This paper shows that substantial costs could be saved in infrastructure and transport if ...
This note was reviewed and approved for currency in November 2018. While architects and planners don’t seek to disadvantage communities, the incremental impacts of the way towns and cities are designed is having exactly that effect when it comes to ...
Design for adaptability – an introduction to the principles and basic strategies
Published: 28 February 2005 | Edited: 3 October 2018This note was reviewed and approved for currency in October 2018, with qualification that some references and resources are now superseded. This note introduces the concept of design for adaptability as an essential strategy for creating sustainable ...
Water sensitive urban design in the Melbourne Docklands – raingardens and bioretention tree pits
Published: 29 February 2008 | Edited: 23 October 2018This note was reviewed and approved for currency in October 2018. This paper describes water sensitive urban design (WSUD) initiatives in Melbourne Docklands and outlines experiences from design, construction and operational phases. Additionally, it ...
Timber and wood products from environmentally certified forests and plantations – overview
Published: 29 February 2008Rapid advancement and change within Australia's predominant timber certification schemes has led to the revision of the original November 2004 paper Timber and wood products from environmentally certified forests and plantations. This paper now ...
The note describes a new procedure for Land Resource Assessment (LRA). It uses Multi-Criteria Evaluation methods (MCE) in a Geographic Systems (GIS) environment. As an example, the LRA method is applied in determining land suitability for ...
A summary of urban assessment tools for application in Australia
Published: 29 February 2016 | Edited: 28 August 2018This note was reviewed and approved for currency in August 2018. With increasing world population, urbanization, and climatic changes impacting liveability there is a growing awareness of the urgent need for more sustainable and ecological ...
Sustainability imperatives are starting to drive business decisions and government policies. As solutions are sought to developing environmental assessments, it is important to know how much energy, water or chemical has gone into manufacturing a ...