51-60 of 193 results for 'form of insurance'
The integrated design process of Council House 2 (CH2)
Published: 28 February 2005 | Edited: 16 September 2018This note was reviewed and approved for currency in September 2018. Council House 2 (CH2) is a sustainable office building designed for the City of Melbourne. It meets the Council’s long-term need to house staff and breathes new life into an ...
Green specifying – the role of National Master Specification Systems 2
Published: 28 February 2003This note, originally published in 1997, was reviewed by John Gelder in October 2002. This Note reviews a number of issues which arise out of consideration of the natural environment and human health, and which affect the content of National Master ...
User perceptions of health and productivity in sustainable buildings
Published: 28 February 2010 | Edited: 3 September 2018This note was reviewed and approved for currency in September 2018. Users of a range of commercial and institutional buildings in eleven countries have been surveyed to understand their perceptions of the performance of a range of factors – ...
This note was reviewed and retained for legacy in November 2018 in the context of its publication date, with the qualification that some references and examples are now superseded. This paper builds an argument that is developed more fully in the ...
Timber and wood products from environmentally certified forests and plantations – background
Published: 29 February 2008Rapid advancement and change within Australia's predominant timber certification schemes has led to the revision of the original November 2004 paper: Timber and Wood products from environmentally certified forests and plantations. That paper now ...
This note was reviewed in October 2018 and retained for legacy. Energy analyst and photovoltaics (PV) lecturer Muriel Watt provides an up-to-date overview of PV technology and markets in Australia. Watt shows that new technologies and lower costs ...
Beyond carbon neutrality: strategies for reductive and restorative sustainability
Published: 30 September 2010David Baggs looks at the role of the built environment in our un-sustainability and explores the full spectrum of strategies and solutions as to how our buildings might become a pathway towards a low-carbon future. Baggs explores the concepts of ‘ ...
Water sensitive urban design in the Melbourne Docklands – wetlands, storage and reuse system
Published: 29 February 2008 | Edited: 23 October 2018This note was reviewed and approved for currency in October 2018. This report describes water sensitive urban design (WSUD) initiatives in the Melbourne Docklands and outlines experiences from design, construction and operational phases.
Adjusting building thermostats for environmental gains – a pilot study
Published: 30 November 2008 | Edited: 3 October 2018This note was reviewed and retained for legacy in November 2018. This paper discusses a pilot study which involved altering the thermostat set-points to 2-3°C above the normal summer setting in two air-conditioned buildings during a Brisbane ...
While continual change and evolution has been an enduring characteristic of the Australian city, the magnitude, speed and complexity of the emerging population and environmental pressures are challenging the models and methodologies that have ...