61-70 of 89 results for 'design brief'
Read time: 8 minutes Mental health is sometimes described as a continuum, where good mental health is at one end, and mild to severe mental illnesses ...
Every architect's filing system is different and there is no single right way of doing it. There is, however, a plethora of wrong ways. A filing or ...
Australian Standards are developed by technical committees through a process of consensus and transparency. Standards Australia forms technical ...
Read time: 6 minutes Written reports are an integral part of architectural practice. Producing a report that communicates clearly and completely with ...
Continuing professional development (CPD)
Published: 8 November 2018 | Edited: 24 August 2022Read time: 4 minutes In most states and territories in Australia, architects are required to undertake Continuing professional development (CPD) to ...
Read time: 3 minutes Cultural awareness in architectural practice is relevant to all scales of practice. By undertaking cultural awareness training, ...
Read time: 9 minutes Architects must be able to distinguish between ethical and non-ethical situations, and make ethical decisions based on ...
Architects are often asked to provide project file documents or to hand over their entire project file after completion of the works. Architects need ...
Read time: 3 minutes This type of insurance is only applicable to practices organised as a company. It covers the personal liability of directors, ...
In 1992 the Australian Federal Parliament enacted the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). The DDA is a civil rights law, activated by lodging a ...