21-30 of 157 results


Standards - risk management

Published: 11 October 2017

The risk to architects of specifying standards needs to be managed. Proprietary specification systems such as NATSPEC regularly review all standards ...


Email policy

Published: 3 November 2011 | Edited: 21 September 2022

Read time: 1 minute Email and the internet are powerful tools for improving communications and efficiency within and between businesses. However, ...


Implementing WHS in the workplace

Published: 19 December 2017 | Edited: 15 August 2024

Read time: 5 minutes Under Work health and safety (WHS) legislation, a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) has a legal obligation to ...


Team behaviour

Published: 25 January 2012

Teams are regularly assembled for the design and completion of architectural projects. These teams may be within the practice or include members from ...


Managing teams

Published: 25 January 2012

To get the best out of a project team requires sensitive management while maintaining a clear focus on the expected outcome. Consideration of the ...


Social functions in the business world

Published: 3 December 2012 | Edited: 16 December 2020

Staff social functions can be an important team-building exercise. They reward staff for their hard work and provide them the opportunity to relax ...


Social media and the workplace

Published: 18 June 2018 | Edited: 12 October 2022

Read time: 3 minutes As the use of social media in the business world continues to increase in popularity, many businesses are becoming aware of the ...


Strategic planning

Published: 30 November 2020 | Edited: 21 August 2024

Read time: 4 minutes Strategic planning is the process of documenting where your business is now and where you want it to be in the future. It ...


Business cycles

Published: 29 October 2015 | Edited: 15 September 2022

Read time: 6 minutes Architecture and construction – like other cyclical industries – are driven by a number of economic events that operate ...


Asset planning

Published: 25 June 2015 | Edited: 21 October 2021

Read time: 4 minutes It is reasonable and ethical for architects to ensure that their practice is covered by a level of professional indemnity ...


State / Region