1-10 of 86 results for 'private job liability'


Contractual liability

Published: 12 January 2012 | Edited: 20 May 2021

Read time: 7 minutes An enforceable contract between two parties contains both rights and obligations. A knowledge of the fundamental elements of a ...


Public Private Partnerships (PPP)

Published: 11 May 2022

Read time: 4 minutes Public Private Partnership (PPP) is a contract between the public and the private sector where the government pays the private ...


Liability for manufactured products

Published: 29 April 2020 | Edited: 25 January 2024

Read time: 8 minutes By far the greater part of modern buildings is made up of manufactured products, eg bricks, steel, paint, sanitary fittings, ...


Architect's liability for specialist consultants

Published: 20 June 2024

This note replaces its previous version published 7 July 2012. Read time: 9 minutes Architects should be aware of the extent of their potential ...


Project management - responsibilities, liabilities and fees

Published: 7 December 2011 | Edited: 26 October 2023

Read time: 1 minute Responsibilities The responsibility of a project manager extends beyond the construction role of a contractor and the designing ...


Partial services

Published: 13 February 2020 | Edited: 14 August 2024

Read time: 4 minutes Partial services engagement may occur in a number of circumstances including: when an architect is appointed to complete ...


Office fit-out projects

Published: 29 November 2011 | Edited: 26 May 2022

Read time: 8 minutes The fitting out of a tenancy within a commercial building occupied by a number of different tenants has the potential for ...


Contractor's role in construction

Published: 2 December 2011

The function of the architect administering a contract can be gleaned from the building contract and also from the architect's conditions of ...


Approval processes for planning and construction

Published: 4 March 2020 | Edited: 22 March 2023

Read time: 2 minutes Approval processes for buildings differ nationally. The following table briefly outlines the types of planning and construction ...


Determining fees for small projects

Published: 27 January 2012 | Edited: 23 February 2021

The client/owner's perception and expectations of a 'small fee for a small job', is not necessarily accurate, as small jobs often involve a multitude ...


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