1-10 of 23 results for 'private job liability'


Client note: Practical completion and the final certificate

Published: 22 November 2017

Practical completion is the date nominated in the contract for the works to be substantially completed and available for use. This may be subject to ...


Guide letter 36: Advice to contractor - defects and incomplete work

Published: 21 December 2011 | Edited: 11 August 2022

Read time: 1 minute Guide letters provide advice about matters architects should consider when composing letters to the parties involved in ...


Guide letter 35: Confirmation to client - defects and incomplete work

Published: 21 December 2011 | Edited: 19 May 2022

Read time: 3 minutes Guide letters provide advice about matters architects should consider when composing letters to the parties involved in ...


Construction industry legal comment

Published: 8 December 2011 | Edited: 23 February 2021

Minter Ellison Lawyers provide comment on legal cases and court decisions relating to the building and construction industry. A link is provided ...


Access to heritage places

Published: 3 July 2019

Read time: 4 minutes This note provides information to assist in providing disability access to heritage places. It sets out the statutory ...


Guide letter 34: Advice to contractor - practical completion

Published: 8 April 2015 | Edited: 5 October 2023

Read time: 2 minutes Guide letters provide advice about matters architects should consider when composing letters to the parties involved in ...


Client note: Insurance for work to existing buildings

Published: 23 December 2011 | Edited: 27 March 2017

If you are intending to have construction work – alterations and/or additions – done to an existing building, you should obtain advice from an ...


Guide letter 37: Advice to client - final certificate

Published: 21 December 2011 | Edited: 25 January 2022

Read time: 1 minute Guide letters provide advice about matters architects should consider when composing letters to the parties involved in ...


Guide letter 33: Advice to client - works nearing practical completion

Published: 21 December 2011 | Edited: 22 July 2021

Read time: 3 minutes Guide letters provide advice about matters architects should consider when composing letters to the parties involved in ...

Guide letters provide advice about matters architects should consider when composing letters to the parties involved in architectural projects. When ...


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