271-280 of 291 results for 'private job liability'


Social sustainability: creating places and participatory processes that perform well for people

Published: 30 November 2013 | Edited: 4 September 2018

This note was reviewed in September 2018 and retained for legacy. Social sustainability is about ensuring the sustenance of the diverse social ...

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Positive development – designing for net positive impacts

Published: 31 August 2007 | Edited: 12 September 2018

This note was reviewed as up to date and leading edge for time of publication by Author in September 2018 with update not applicable. This paper ...

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Mind the gap: predicted vs actual performance of green buildings

Published: 28 February 2011 | Edited: 3 September 2018

This note was reviewed in September 2018 and retained for legacy. This paper reviews the major North American and Australian sustainability rating ...

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International research and product development has resulted from partnerships between the research community and the world's leading glass, window ...

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This note was reviewed in October 2018 and has been retained for legacy. In 2003 a demonstration home was constructed by a local authority in Perth ...

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Circulating fans are defined as a class of axial propeller fans, generally without an enclosing housing, and used for circulating air in a space. The ...

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This case study looks at the passive heating design principles adopted in a Tasmanian House, discusses the designers consideration of the interplay ...

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Section J and commercial building facade design: NCC 2022

Published: 15 October 2019 | Edited: 7 February 2024

Section J of the National Construction Code (NCC) Volume One codifies minimum glazing thermal performance measures for both facade vision glazing and ...

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Low CO2 Concrete: Are we making any progress?

Published: 30 November 2009

While concrete is the most widely used building material in the world with many architectural and engineering benefits, it is associated with a high ...

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Water sensitive urban design – the journey thus far

Published: 31 August 2007

This paper was first published in the Australian Journal of Water Resources, and is reprinted with the kind permission of Engineers Australia. This ...

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