71-80 of 88 results for 'private job liability'


Mind the gap: predicted vs actual performance of green buildings

Published: 28 February 2011 | Edited: 3 September 2018

This note was reviewed in September 2018 and retained for legacy. This paper reviews the major North American and Australian sustainability rating tools to determine how they measure building energy performance. It then reviews the major building ...

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International research and product development has resulted from partnerships between the research community and the world's leading glass, window and skylight companies.  This has led to many new options in the design of windows, skylights and ...

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This note was reviewed in October 2018 and has been retained for legacy. In 2003 a demonstration home was constructed by a local authority in Perth to raise public awareness of practical ways to reduce the energy needs for heating and cooling. The ...

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Circulating fans are defined as a class of axial propeller fans, generally without an enclosing housing, and used for circulating air in a space. The energy-efficiency of circulating fans tends to increase with their size and reduction in their ...

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This case study looks at the passive heating design principles adopted in a Tasmanian House, discusses the designers consideration of the interplay between solar aperture, insulation and thermal mass, and analyses the thermal performance for a week ...

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Section J and commercial building facade design: NCC 2022

Published: 15 October 2019 | Edited: 7 February 2024

Section J of the National Construction Code (NCC) Volume One codifies minimum glazing thermal performance measures for both facade vision glazing and roof lights. NCC 2019 contained the first major revision to the Section J measures in nine years. A ...

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Low CO2 Concrete: Are we making any progress?

Published: 30 November 2009

While concrete is the most widely used building material in the world with many architectural and engineering benefits, it is associated with a high environmental cost that somewhat offsets this benefit. Previous EDG papers have investigated ...

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Water sensitive urban design – the journey thus far

Published: 31 August 2007

This paper was first published in the Australian Journal of Water Resources, and is reprinted with the kind permission of Engineers Australia. This paper presents an overview of the current state of adoption of water sensitive urban design (WSUD) ...

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Green roofs for energy efficiency – a simulation study in Australian climates

Published: 30 November 2016 | Edited: 21 August 2018

This note was reviewed and approved for currency in August 2018.  This paper describes how green roofs influence the energy performance of a hypothetical commercial office building in each of the Australian Building Code Board’s eight climate zones ...

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Roof and facade gardens

Published: 28 February 2003

Environmental design is in the broadest sense, the human response to the understanding that we are a part of our environment. This is the design realisation that ecology matters.  This area of human endeavour has undergone a rapid transformation in ...

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