1-10 of 88 results for 'private job liability'


Planning for transit oriented development in Australian cities

Published: 30 November 2007

Transit oriented development is a way of redeveloping a city to reduce car dependence.  This paper outlines its basic tenets by examining four strategic policy questions: why we need centres throughout the city and of what kind of density and mix; ...

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Water conservation and harvesting in Adelaide, SA: four case studies

Published: 31 May 2011 | Edited: 10 September 2018

This note was reviewed and retained for legacy in September 2018. Adelaide has a relatively long history of innovation in wastewater treatment and water conservation, spurred on in response to South Australia’s predominantly arid environment.

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This is one of three companion papers taken from a study that assesses the comparative costs of urban redevelopment with the costs of greenfield development. The first paper, The costs of urban sprawl – infrastructure and transportation, shows that ...

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Lend Lease is the largest developer of urban communities in Australia, operating in nine major population centres, with over twenty projects ranging from large-scale master planned communities in the outer suburbs to high-rise mixed use projects in ...

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Development in Australian bushfire prone areas

Published: 17 October 2019

Bushfire has long been a part of Australian landscape ecology and mythology, but climate change is now driving an increase in fire emergencies and a greater regulatory response. There are new levels of bushfire frequency, severity and ...

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The refurbishment of Trevor Pearcey House for the new Australian Ethical Investment Headquarters was designed by Collard Clarke Jackson Architects and in 2007 was the first building in the ACT and only the third in Australia at the time to receive a ...

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Wood products are a staple of the construction sector, and are important in delivering environmentally preferable projects. However the sustainability of many wood products remains difficult to assess.  This note overviews key issues and considers ...

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Urban air quality

Published: 30 November 2000 | Edited: 30 November 2005

This note, originally published in November 2000, was reviewed by John Todd in August 2005. This summary page includes recent updates to the topic since publication. Air pollution in the sprawling Australian suburbs and many rural cities ...

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Beyond codified comfort: building design and performance

Published: 30 September 2012 | Edited: 23 September 2018

This note was reviewed and approved for currency in September 2018. Increasingly, the designed solution to building performance is being replaced by the engineered solution. The reasons for this are a) the architectural profession’s valuing of the ...

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Straw bale construction

Published: 30 November 2003 | Edited: 4 September 2018

This note was reviewed in September 2018 and retained for legacy. This note, originally published in November 1996, was reviewed by Harry Partridge in November 2001 and republished in November 2003. Straw bale construction has achieved considerable ...

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