The paper and its companion paper summarise reports published by the consulting firm GHD in 2003 and 2009 and in particular summarise final results of a two year trial of 6 urine-separating dry composting toilets and 2 waterless urinals at a new secondary school in Victoria. This paper discusses the project in general, and the companion paper: Urine-separation and dry composting toilet trial – agricultural use of waste, reports on the specifics of the project included a successful agricultural trial in which the collected urine was used as fertiliser.
Usage of the facility was lower than anticipated but the majority of students who used the toilets found them satisfactory and sufficient information was obtained to draw useful conclusions. Whilst the installation cost was considerably more than for water-flush toilets, it is concluded that the overall economics of dry sanitation may become favourable if water and fertiliser costs significantly increase. Further demonstration on a large scale would be desirable, although it already appears that health risks with a properly designed and operated dry sanitation system are no greater than with conventional sanitation.