Protecting against solar UVR

This note, originally published in November 2000, was reviewed by John Greenwood in September 2005.

This paper examines the issue of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and its impact on public health in Australia, which has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. It sets out factors affecting UVR levels and methods of protecting against solar UVR using environmental strategies, both natural and built. It considers the important roles and responsibilities of the design profession and local government in achieving significant improvement in solar protection and urban design outcomes.

note summary
  1. Introduction
  2. Why UVR protection is an issue
  3. Direct and indirect UVR
  4. Factors affecting UVR levels
  5. Protection against UVR
  6. Providing shade
  7. Shade planning tools
  8. The role of local government
  9. The challenge for the design professions
  10. Case study

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