Water conservation and harvesting in Adelaide, SA: four case studies

Green roof micropond at Christie WalkThis note was reviewed and retained for legacy in September 2018.

Adelaide has a relatively long history of innovation in wastewater treatment and water conservation, spurred on in response to South Australia’s predominantly arid environment.

Examples of innovation range from those in private sector developments in the inner city to suburban neighbourhood-scale projects. Treatment systems range from mechanical filtration to extensive reedbeds. Storage approaches include underground tanks and aquifer recharge.

Most of the projects link water treatment to vegetation establishment as part of broader urban planning strategies. Although such techniques are still the exception rather than the rule, their increasing adoption is being driven by both legislation and perceived environmental necessity. This will impact on the design of the built environment and there is likely to be an increasingly strong imperative to integrate such measures into design thinking from the concept stage onwards.

The original version of this note, CAS 25, was published in 2001 and co-authored by Claire Fulton.

note summary
  1. Introduction
  2. Location and climate
  3. Design philosophies
  4. Water reuse issues
  5. Case studies
  6. Conclusion
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