Sustainability framework for practice

Issue 02 June 2024
Read time: 17 minutes

This note replaces the June 2020 edition. 


View across a road, looking up to Nightingale Village by Hayball and Breathe and Architecture architecture and Austin Maynard Architects

There is an urgent need to address the pressing social and environmental challenges facing architectural practice in the 21st century. These challenges – which range from greenhouse gas emissions to occupant and community wellbeing – require a coordinated approach in the way we design our buildings, engage with clients and participate in industry.

A three-level sustainability framework is presented for architectural practices to structure their thinking and action towards these issues. Moreover, this note underscores the need for architects to extend their commitment to sustainability beyond design, and to incorporate more sustainable modes of business operation. Recognising that built environment processes and practices significantly impact our planet, this note supports architects to proactively adapt their practice to drive meaningful change at the differing levels of practice, building scales, typologies, and the materials, components and systems that we use day to day.

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